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Leti Theobald

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Everything posted by Leti Theobald

  1. Thank you so much for the tips, I will have a look at my auto focuser settings. I'm not that experience so super useful advice
  2. Thank you, I'll try that, though not great that is out of focus! I have an autofocuser so weird that is out of focus, maybe I need it to refocus more often through the night
  3. Ok, had a go and this is the message I get. I've attached 3 images for you Thank you so much, I've never had issues stacking with Pixinsight before Light_M101_300.0s_Bin1_B_gain0_20240118-045759_-10.1C_0030.fit Light_M101_300.0s_Bin1_B_gain0_20240118-045257_-10.5C_0029.fit Light_M101_300.0s_Bin1_B_gain0_20240118-044725_-10.0C_0028.fit
  4. Hello all, Having lots of issues stacking in Pixinsight and can't figure out why. I've looked at my images and they are fine but still failing to register and rejecting most of my images. I've attached the log, any ideas anyone? Could I have ticked something I should not? I've restored to factory defaults just in case but same result ProcessLogger.txt
  5. Thank you so much !!!! I'm so happy you enjoyed it - congrats to all the other winners 🤗
  6. My next one took one month to get the data as skies in the UK have been dreadful but managed to finish yesterday Soul Nebula in SHO - 14 hours processing time
  7. I've got a couple more that I've managed to take over the last month or so. The first one is Andromeda in HaLRGB with 11 hours and 15 minutes integration time. This was my first image using LRGB filters.
  8. I have the latest update, so yeah, good shout. I’ll go back to the previous version
  9. Hello all, I’m trying to stack my images of Andromeda using Pixinsight. I know WBPP is slow but this is too much as it has never been so slow. It’s basically stuck on Plate Solving reference frames for over 4 hours now. has this happen to anyone before? I have about 250 3 Minute exposures, 50 bias, 50 darks and 250 flats thanks, Leticia
  10. I'm also going to post my last one which I only processed yesterday of The Bat Nebula in the Eastern Veil Nebula. Processed on Pixinsight.
  11. I've started my Astrophotography journey after receiving my first Telescope on Christmas. In the last 8 months has been a steep learning curve and a bit more money than I would like but I think I have a nice equipment now. This is only my second image taken with a mono camera. So here is the Wizard Nebula taken over three days in August processed with Pixinsight
  12. The Eastern Veil Nebula, photographed over the last couple of weeks from my backyard in the UK in HOO using ZWO 2600mm. This is the third image I've attempted in mono and my second entry to this challenge and probably the last one as the Summer Triangle has started hiding behind my roof
  13. I'm a bit of a newbie but wanted to post my first image taken with my Asi2600mm and the first time using Pixinsight so be gentle with me. I've been trying since the beginning of July and finally aged to get a clear night to really get a few good hours. North America Nebula imaged using W.O. Zenithstar 73 and Asi2600mm. Stacked and processed on Pixinsight. It consists of 60 Ha, 40 Oiii and 40 Sii, all calibrated with flats, darks and biases. Not the best framing, I know
  14. Alan, ignore me! I got the filters second hand and they were in the wrong packaged so basically I have Si and Oiii in the wrong place so everything is looking very weird. I might delete this out of embarressment
  15. Still not looking right, can't understand why the middle is going brown
  16. Hi Alan, thank you ! No, I'm using a mono camera ZWO2600MM , it's the first time (I need to change my equipment in the signature). I'll check the tutorial out. Thank you!
  17. Hello all, I'm a bit confused processing the North America Nebula on Pixinsight. When I look at images online the inside tends to be blueish with golden around. Mine looks like this ! If I remove the green noise it just becomes completely brown. Any tips?
  18. Thank you so much Alan, super helpful! hopefully I can try tonight ☺️
  19. That’s great, so my ZWO filters are 7mm, so I’ll add another 2.3mm increasing it to 7.5mm correct?
  20. Hello all, I just got some new gear and hoping someone can just double check my measurements to get the correct back focus. Scope: WO Zenithstar 73II WO Optics Adjustable Flattener for Z73 ZWO Electronic Filter wheel (20mm) - and it has a 5mm T2(M42)-M48 Adapter stuck to it which I can't remove ZWO Filters ZWO 2600MM So, this is how I calculated which means I need to have the adjustment on the flattener at 5.2mm
  21. I few other things you can try: Zoom in on Siril on the object you are trying to calibrate, it could be that you are far and it's not plate solving. Make sure you have it AutoStretched when you do it, not on linear If you want to send me your stacked image I can have a go and see what the issue is Any luck on Startnet - I also have a M1 Mac so I know it was a bit painful getting it going
  22. Hi Mark, I’ve been using Siril with a Mac for a while now and it does get easier, I love it now. with Starnet it is not straightforward but this video helped me: with Photometric Calibration, I use it every time. I found it that when it fails is because it pulls the incorrect focal length for my telescope. You can change it manually before running the calibration. Hopefully that is the case. There is another YouTube channel dedicated to Siril processing only and it helped me a lot in the beginning. Let me know if you are interested and I can dig it out for you. Leti
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