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Pelican Nebula in Narrowband


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First chance of trying out my Astronomik FastFR narrowband filters. This was obtained in a mix of Astro and Nautical Darkness and a partial Moon was in attendance. 100 mins per filter of 5 min exposures. ASI6200MM and RASA 11.

Processed in PI and PS. I based the modified SHO processing on a YouTube tutorial by Lefty's Astrophotography which was very useful. 🙂 I used StarXT on all three channels and just kept the Ha stars to add in later in PS as mono stars as the odd coloured stars and halos were a bit distracting. Halos left on the background after StarXT were treated in PS with the Patch Tool which I find is better than cloning. All channels also had BlurXT and NoiseXT applied before combining, and the Ha was also added back in as a Luminance layer.

I was very surprised at how well it turned out despite Deneb pushing its way in and causing a flare on the extreme top right on all three channels but also several large rings on OIII and to an extent on SII. The rings are hardly noticeable on the finished image, and I could have easily cloned out the top right flare.

I realised the framing could have been better, getting more of the Cygnus Wall, and have started retaking all the frames. Getting Deneb further out of frame also helps greatly with the rings which are barely visible on the new OIII. Even though the Moon was around there doesn't seem to have been any bad gradients on the channels.

I resampled the final result to 50% in PS. More than happy with the result, 😁 and thankfully it justified spending all that extra on the fast filters as I already had the standard 2" narrowband filters.


Cygnus Wall crop


There's also a small nebula patch top right of the pelican which I don't think has a separate designation. Shown here at full size.


Here's the OIII channel showing the large ring flares caused by Deneb off to the top right.


The stars along the top seem to show little spikes left and right, and I've since re-tweaked the Baader tilt adjuster which has improved them. OIII is very good at showing star defects. 🙂

I used Luminance flats for all channels and looking closely they don't quite fix the corners so I've since taken separate flats for the narrowband filters. Luckily fast scopes don't show dust bunnies from the filters.


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Very nice image. 

15 hours ago, symmetal said:

There's also a small nebula patch top right of the pelican which I don't think has a separate designation.

I found this in Simbad. Nothing for the whole nebula, it seems.


Maybe we should just call it the Pelican's chick.

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44 minutes ago, wimvb said:

Very nice image. 

I found this in Simbad. Nothing for the whole nebula, it seems.


Maybe we should just call it the Pelican's chick.

By the shape and location it's more like the Pelican's Tick. 😁 Odd that it isn't designated, as smaller and fainter objects get a mention. 🙂

The little galaxy just above it PK084... seems to have an actual black hole in the centre. I'll see if this is a star removal artifact.

Edit: The hole is obvious in the Ha and just visible in OIII and SII so there's an actual bright ring at the centre of the galaxy. 


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42 minutes ago, wimvb said:

Shouldn't it? 😁

True. After all the effort of getting a fuzzy image of a black hole by the Event Horizon telescope, this is a much clearer one. :D

Edit:  PK084+01.1 is already designated as a planetary nebula, so no fame for me. 😟


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1 hour ago, gorann said:

Great image! I also wondered about that possible PN when I once shot the Pelican. You say it is PN084+01.1 but when I google that I find this image that does not look like it. Maybe they mislabeled their image? How did you find the designation?


That link refers to what Alan thought was a small galaxy with a "black hole", but which in fact is a small planetary nebula which is ring shaped. The cropped small nebula that Alan had found (the Pelican's tic) contains several sources, including an Hii region, but it seems to lack an overall identifier.

On 08/06/2023 at 03:41, symmetal said:

There's also a small nebula patch top right of the pelican which I don't think has a separate designation. Shown here at full size.



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20 minutes ago, wimvb said:

That link refers to what Alan thought was a small galaxy with a "black hole", but which in fact is a small planetary nebula which is ring shaped. The cropped small nebula that Alan had found (the Pelican's tic) contains several sources, including an Hii region, but it seems to lack an overall identifier.


That explains it!

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Thanks @wimvb and @gorann 🙂 The PK.. designation of the 'galaxy with a hole' should have been a clue as it's from the 'Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae'. :D Here it is at full size. The 'spiral arms' threw me off.


As you're both interested in less common objects, I wondered if you had seen my vdB 152 image I posted some time ago which had some interesting neighbouring structures.


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