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Lunt60MT Focus

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Hello, I haven't had the chance to reach Lunt yet But I am wondering if anyone would know why I cannot reach focus when I have it converted for night mode. This is not an issue when using it for solar but when the etalon is removed and the focuser reinstalled for night using my TV diagonal I don't have enough draw tube, regardless of which eyepiece I use, am I missing something? may others with the same scope can help. When I watch the short Lunt tutorial on how to convert, it makes no mention of extenders or any other hardware needed, it just says remove etalon and reinstall focuser then use your night diagonal, weird.


Edited by Sunshine
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Watching the video the conversion to night use involves removing the etalon and that will shorten the tube length by, what is it, about 4 or 5 cm? But the focus point from the objective would remain in the same place so I guess a 4-5cm extension would be needed. Hasten to add I don't have one, that is just what I would have thought is happening, if it helps at all. Good luck with it - looks like nice scope.

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