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Venus - night and day.


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There’s an element of exaggeration in this sketch (poor control over the pastel) but not dishonesty. 

Sketched  just now 18:00 to 18:30 in the middle of a 2 hour daylight session just on Venus. Observing Venus in full daylight not just early twilight is completely new to me and a total game changer.


The limb did seem harder and brighter than the terminator which seamed quite soft  (contrast effect?) and the upper end of the terminator did seem a hint darker than the lower. There was a brighter smudge inside that darker mark. Ignore the north arrow above. Typing this I realise I have mis-marked my drawing. West is correct. North will be clockwise from there so the hint of a darker area with a brighter smudge was in the south. 

A #47 violet filter steadied the view quite a bit but I enjoyed the unfiltered hard marble effect more from an aesthetic POV. 

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Thanks @JeremyS  I really have you and @mikeDnight to thank for triggering me to get out in full daylight rather than only twilight - You with the BAA links and Mike with his sketches this week and recommendations to use a filter. Honestly game changing for me on this planet.  Plus it it was fab to be out in the sun doing it. 

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Great sketch, and its also great that you feel observing in Daylight is a game changer. I'm quite certain what you have recorded in your sketch is very real. It's a ways a challenge to keep the subtlety of detail under control. I've always found it difficult to sketch Venus without exaggerating the intensity of the markings, while at the same time recording the range of detail on view.  As a consequence my sketches of Venus are almost always overexagerated in intensity of shade for ease of interpretation. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your sketches! :thumbsup:

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Definitely try Venus that way @Ratlet  I’ve always been aware to get on Venus as soon as I could see it in twilight but finding it before it’s showing was fantastic. Be careful obvs while the sun is still up. I didn’t sit in the shade (naughty boy) but I was careful. 

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