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Laser Pointer vs Telrad

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6 hours ago, Zermelo said:

(c) In the UK at least, the legislation now makes shining a laser at a plane (or other vehicles) a strict liability offence, i.e. they don't need to prove that you did it deliberately to ensure a conviction.

I'm guessing much lower violent crime rates in the UK allow the police to investigate laser violations there.  We had a case here where it took police 2.5 hours to respond to a DUI/DWI vehicular accident involving injuries because they prioritize homicide investigations much more highly.

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17 minutes ago, Louis D said:

I'm guessing much lower violent crime rates in the UK allow the police to investigate laser violations there.  We had a case here where it took police 2.5 hours to respond to a DUI/DWI vehicular accident involving injuries because they prioritize homicide investigations much more highly.

More likely that scoring a prosecution against some old boy in his garden with a laser pointer is an easy win and will look good on the statistics.

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10 hours ago, AstroKeith said:

You will note that those above suggesting lasers are in the USA. Lasers in the UK are more problematic.

a) Our air traffic density is higher. Also so is our population density, so more likely for someone to 'report' you.

b) The 'new' legal max power in the UK is 1mW. Anything beyond that (ie the 5mW often sold) require very careful use (formal training and sign offs, etc) to not fall foul of the Health and Safety legislation. 

c) No UK event will allow you to use one.

Actually not all are from the USA, I am UK based. 

I bought my laser from Optic Star a few years back, certainly after the last changes to laser guidance was made. Unless that is changes have been made that I am totally unaware of, however I have not been able to find anything.

A laser is pretty much the same as any other dangerous tool such as a chainsaw or angle grinder, safe when used correctly & with care. Mine is not left on all the time and like others have alluded to it is flicked on, then move scope to area of interest, flick off and then centre with my RACI. The usual burn for want of a better description is  I would guess around 5 seconds.

The guidance for using lasers is quite lengthy and well worth a read "laser safety advice".  I believe my laser falls within safety guidelines and I will continue to use it "with care".

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