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a bit confused, stepping rings, T-Rings etc.

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Hi all

I would like to try and take some basic photos of the moon and maybe Saturn, and generally get a bit of a taster of astrophotography before forking out money then deciding its not for me.

I own a Bresser skylux NG, the one from Lidl, and an Olympus SP510uz Camera. The thread on the Olympus is 45.6mm but I have a 55mm lense adaptor so I can use 55mm thread macro lenses and the like.

So what would I need to get, I think I will need a stepping ring, but which one 55-?mm if I need one at all, then do I need a T-ring ? and also will I need to get different eyepieces ?

Sorry for all the questions but I'm a little confused.

Many thanks


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I'm not familiar with your camera model David, but it looks like the lens is a zoom type which physically moves back and forth, and you are proposing to mount the camera via the filter threads in the lens.

If that is so, then the cameras weight will need to be supported on a platform, otherwise you may put the zoom mechanism at risk if it has to bear the weight on its own.

Of course I am speculatiing. Have you tried hand holding the camera to the scope eyepiece? It is not an easy method, but some have obtained some good results that way.


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Hi Ron

Thanks for the reply.

You are right in that it is a zoom lense, but the threads for the converter are on the camera body, around the outside of the lense, and when attatched the lens is actually inside the converter so to speak.

I have tried holding the camera to the eyepiece, but I have great difficulty in getting it lined up straight, then keeping it straight, and usually end up with a fraction of the object (usually the moon) in view. So I thought as the threads are on the camera I should take advantage of it.

Thanks for the advice.


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You're welcome mate, sorry I wasn't more helpful.

You could maybe use one of these. Adaptors. They are designed to facilitate Afocal Imaging.

If you are interested, you should give Steve a call first, he will make sure you get the best one for your setup.



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Thanks again for the advice and the link Ron, but I am unsure as to weather either of the clamps will fit my camera, although not an SLR it isn't exactly a compact either, its what I believe to be called a bridge camera, a bridge between compact and full SLR, and as such, does have quite a wide angled lens (compared to most compacts).

I suppose I should do as you suggested and give Steve at FLO a ring, as I am sure he will be able to tell me one way or the other which would be the best for my equipment and needs.

Thanks again mate for the advice and taking the time to reply.


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