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precise goto missing from starsense handset

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I have recently aquired a starsense handset and camera for my celestron cpc and although the goto's have improved there appear to be missing options from the handset when compared to the nexstar+.

I can't find how to manually enter RA DEC coordinates for objects not in the handset, and the precise goto function appears to be missing along with the camera objects database.


Can anyone please tell me how to do this or find these options?


Thank you

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6 minutes ago, Duke2k said:

I have recently aquired a starsense handset and camera for my celestron cpc and although the goto's have improved there appear to be missing options from the handset when compared to the nexstar+.

I can't find how to manually enter RA DEC coordinates for objects not in the handset, and the precise goto function appears to be missing along with the camera objects database.


Can anyone please tell me how to do this or find these options?


Thank you

This is from the Starsense manual on page 24


To slew to a custom coordinate, Press ENTER,
input the coordinates, then press ENTER to slew
to those coordinates.

I think the idea is that you use 'sync' to give the equivalent of the 'precise' goto function.

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I have a SCT fitted with the Starsense and can confirm that there is no 'Precise Goto' feature. In practice this is not a problem, as the scope is employed for visual use only and the Starsense Goto in conjunction with a 32mm eyepiece is good enough to get anything within field.

I never saw the point of transferring the Starsense to the CPC800 (which has  GPS) as the saving in overall setup time, which includes assembling the major parts and attaching fragile accessories, would be trivial. The GoTo is fairly accurate and I value the 'Precise GoTo feature.

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