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M105 and pals

Paul M

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Next in my series entitled "Grainy deep field images of no particular interest" is M105 and a couple of its neighbours.

Again, as with other images in this this series, taken in the early hours of Feb 14th, I was waiting for something else, so just playing here. The field looked good in SkySafari but online images already warned me that the two bright cored elipticals in the field were as boring as dishwater, at least within the bounds of my imaging skills.

The other spiral galaxy had some promise, so why not...

Here is the result of 23 x 60 sec, no calibration. I thought I had calibration frames for 60 sec @ -10, but I'd foolishly changed the camera gain from my regular 90 to 0, for experimental reasons. 

RC10, ASI071, NEQ6 Pro... I stacked this in Siril, yup, we are begining to understand each other, and annotated on ASTAP

The most exciting thing here is the asteroid in the top right corner (with the square annotation box). Lots of cosmic flotsam too.




Edited by Paul M
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May I make a suggestion?

Before puting all your gear together next time, give the camera lens face a quick clean with a lint free lens cloth.

The black circles on your images are out of focus dust particles which is usually a sign that they are on the camera front.

I only know this because I have the same problem!!😉


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8 hours ago, Vroobel said:


What is a reason of the dark circles? 

Yup, as explained above, dust bunnies! I take lazy to another dimension...

This is a new scope and my flats and darks library is still limited!

I don't think the dust is on my brand new reducer/flattener. This is only its second outing so not sure how any dust would have got there. I've used the camera plenty of times now and never had this many bunnies, if any. All I can think is that some dust got to it while I was collimating on the kitchen table  optical bench, even though I fussy about exposed optical faces. I'm taking the reducer back out before my next session to have a go at another exciting subject that has been brought to my attention. I'll check the camera for dust then.

Anyway, as I think I explained in my 3C 273 thread a couple of days ago, I was really only looking to image 3c 273's jet. As it's a tiny subject I wasn't too bothered about calibration frames. I'd crop most of the image anyway. So while waiting for 3C 273 to rise from behind the houses I just played with some other targets. This being one of them. My imaging train is still fully assembled and the focus is untouched. I could do some calibration frames while the OTA is in the garage but I've been away and otherwise engaged so maybe I'll save that effort for when I next set up!

Siril did an OK job removing the vignette by way of background equalisation.


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