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What's causing this


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1 hour ago, malc-c said:

What was the target you were trying to photograph ?

Ruling out M27 I would say it's reflection between the camera lens and the eyepiece  

I just bought a phone mount adapter today and was just trying it out and pointing to random patches of sky, any idea how I can stop the reflection from happening?

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Something to try, try covering your IR sensor and focus manually. IR is usually used in domestic cameras to determine autofocus position. Or try tilting the camera into a different position (ie not square to the eyepiece).

Edited by Elp
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Elp has a good suggestion, but I think both Justin and myself have the same opinion that it's reflection between the camera lens and the eyepiece....   If you want to take images then maybe invest in a astro camera that replaces the eyepiece and plugs into a laptop or  tablet.  An example is this one that gives you full 1080P HD for under £60.  You'll get better results and can use software to stack frames of the video, which can also remove the trailing of the stars (to a degree)

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I agree it looks like the IR light on the phone reflecting off of the eyepiece. Like Elp says you can probably stick something over the IR bulb (use online diagrams to find it, it's quite well hidden from the eye on my phone).

I'd say you should experiment with your current gear and consider upgrading only when you feel confident that it's the right next step, after you've tried things like stacking phone videos on planets etc.


Good luck!

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