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ngc 4236 in Draco - Final image (maybe)


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I collected more data on this galaxy, and am now at a total of 20.6 hours, of which about half Ha.

Red and Green 17 x 5 mins

Blue 31 x 5 mins

H-alpha 137 x 4 mins

L 121 x 3 mins

The additional data revealed very faint ifn.

As always, data captured with the SW 190MN and ZWO ASI294MM camera

Processed in PixInsight


Previous version



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53 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

Lovely - and yet another testament to the MN190. Those optics really should get more attention, especially now that cameras have made a metre such a potent focal length.




26 minutes ago, gorann said:

A great image to be proud of Wim! I know getting those 20 hours took a lot of determination and stamina!

Thank you, gentlemen.

The 190MN is a great scope, once you get to know it. An astrophotographer imaging with a mobile setup from Lappland used one for a year, but he got tired of hauling it around in the snow. This tool works at its best from an observatory.

Yes, Göran, getting those 20 hours took some determination. But having some level of automation helps. The target is still a late riser, so I just programmed a sequence and let the equipment do its job, without having to babysit a meridian flip. (I don't always trust automated flips. I have the brakes on my mount loose enough, so that if I ever get a pier crash, nothing should be permanently damaged.)

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