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A couple of new IMX 461 cameras.


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Having a look at the Astrograph site I saw a couple of very interesting cameras based around the sony IMX 461 medium format sensor

From QHY bundled with a 7 position FW and OAG

and Moravian with integrated 7 position FW.

No, they're not cheap but not as pricey as the ZWO version, and better made, by the looks of things.

Would make a nice pairing with a Tak FSQ106

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I've been thinking pretty much since I first saw the ZWO one in stores: What scopes can actually support these monster cameras?

I imagine something like an RC in sizes above around 16" could do? I don't know of any newtonians that could cover a sensor of that size, or any coma correctors that advertise anything beyond 35mm. Maybe some premium triplets with very large flatteners can pull it off? But then I saw a post recently about the M82 sized riccardi flattener not correcting for one of these medium format sensors...

Also, I'm slightly annoyed by manufacturers calling them medium format, when the last format to use that name (film) was *much* larger (60x60mm or 70x60mm even!) Large format is also taken by the film plates measuring 5*4 inches.

I am quite excited to see these big sensors coming down in price however... Maybe when sony's next gen of sensors come out we'll see them come down again! (ha). Companies like Fujifilm have had these sensors in much much cheaper mirrorless formats for a while (think £3000)

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