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Hi all, I just wanted to mention that the uk, or many parts of it, have clear weather forecast for tonight. AND it's a Friday, so I don't have to worry about being tired in work tomorrow after imaging into the wee' hours! Enjoy this opportunity if you're fortunate enough to be able to! My SSO target for tonight is the planet Mars, and I'm still debating in my mind what DSO object to get data on, as I have a new imaging filter that I am desperate to test out, namely the Optolong L-Pro filter. It's the smaller 1.25" version, so I am a little worried about vignetting in my image, but I'll just wait and see how my subs are looking ( obviously if anyone has any experience with that filter, then your advice/comments are very welcome! ).

I will post pictures of whatever I manage to capture, obviously bearing in mind I'm still a novice, and I am almost CERTAIN I will have problems tonight with equipment or whatever else!? LOL.

Wes, Liverpool, BORTLE 7.

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At sunset I managed to show my wife five planets and a great transit of Ganymede including shadow. I went out at half eight and had a fairly good 90minutes and a few favourites and a new and very tight double near Betelgeuse . A combination of cold and dew finished me off at ten pm.

Edited by Spile
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7 hours ago, Spile said:

At sunset I managed to show my wife five planets and a great transit of Ganymede including shadow. I went out at half eight and had a fairly good 90minutes and a few favourites and a new and very tight double near Betelgeuse . A combination of cold and dew finished me off at ten pm.

@Spile  sounds like a great night under the stars with your wife mate! I struggle to get my partner interested in Astro! She is very impressed when I tell her things about space etc, and the few occasions she actually looked through telescope, she was blown away, but she can't get past the un-Godly hours we oftentimes go outside and the bitter cold/lack of sleep etc! LOL. I'll keep working on her though! LOL.

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