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QHY 462c - White balance.


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Hello all.

Ive been using the QHY462C over the last few weeks doing some planetary imaging of Mars. Ive very please with the results the camera is producing however im struggling with the colour balance and unable to fix this issue in post processing.

In Sharpcap the RGB settings are 1:1  64, 64, 64.  This provides a slightly green bias image as expected for this camera,  The QHY website advises setting Green to 128, Blue to 255 and red to 161 and lowering the offset as low as possible?  On doing this I get very blue image bordering purple colour bias.

Anyone with this camera recommend their settings,  we get so few clear nights I dont want to waste too much time playing around with the settings.


Many thanks


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Why don't you perform your own crude balance?

Take a piece of white paper and on sunny day - take an image of it (don't let it be in direct sunlight, but in shadow - just make sure day is nice with some blue sky) - or alternatively get D65 light source (not as easy).

If you have all sky lens with that camera - it will do, alternatively - you can use your smallest scope - like that 51mm spacecat in your signature.

Take that image you took of white paper and measure average red, green and blue pixel values and derive coefficients that will produce 1:1:1 ratio on white paper.

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I don't touch the RGB settings in Sharpcap.  Reviewing my old images, I note that the several ZWO cameras gave different tints.  For the ASI462MC, I increase the colour saturation a few points in Registax, and tweak the colour balance  to make the pale bits on Jupiter look white (Red 1.10, Blue 0.95, Green 1.0).

Doing the same on Mars looks it look redder.

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