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What scope

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Hi looking for advice.About to buy a telescope stuck between a CD80edr on a hg5 mount,CD100edr or GT version or 102 slt.Has anyone got any experience of these scopes?Also can anyone recommend a good Star Atlas ?

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Hello Jason,

I have the 90mm version of the Skywatcher Maksutov. It's a great little scope!

Do you wish to speciallise in any particular field of Astronomy - Moon and Planets, Deep Sky stuff, Astrophotography, or imaging, or are you into general astronomical observing?

If general, I would recommend the standard Skywatcher (or other) 8" reflector on an HEQ5 motorised mount.

It is difficult to choose a scope when there are that many to choose from!

This is perhaps why you need to try and be a bit more specific in looking at your needs and circumstances before buying.

No doubt you will receive lots of good advice from SGL colleagues on here.

Best wishes,


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i would love a scope that could cover all but thats not possible.Visual observation and progress into astrophotography /imaging is the plan.I don't know if better to go for manual then build up to drives and autoguider etc or risk divorce and buy a goto to start with.Fancied the Cd100edr/gt due to special offers on. Was adviced the 80mm version would be dissappointing.

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I personally would not go for Go-To as a beginner. Most of your money will be tied up in the electronics and you will loose out on other things such as better optics and build quality.

I would go for better and bigger optics and learn the sky yourself with a map and red torch.

You get much better sense of achievement then just just pressing a button. Also some of these go-to's take a while to set up and to me thats time wasted, as being in the UK we suffer from very little observing time as it is.

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The 100ED is an excellent scope but get at least a HEQ5 mount as it is pretty long and without a good mount will be a bit shakey.

First thing order a book called "Turn Left at Orion" the best £15 you will spend.

I don't know much about atlases as I use a few free software planetarium programs one is Stellarium and the other Cartes du ceil. Both are free but you need a PC or laptop.

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