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Pre-processing kills image.. (Bayer confusion)

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Im using Siril for the 1st time and when I use my calibration frames the resulting final image is unusable (stacked without darks/lights/flats the data is there)

I am getting an error in the Siril console (Bayer pattern in header different from settings)

Using Canon 50d, Capturing with APT and Siril for the processing.

80 X Darks 40"   iso 800

50 x Bias 1/8000 iso 1600

28 x Flats 1/250  iso 800

121 x Lights 40"  iso 800

I think I got it all right and hoping its just an issue with my processingB_M31_1430_ISO1600___22C.CR2

Thanks in advance for any advice...


L_M31_1518_ISO800_40s__12C.CR2 D_M31_1512_ISO800_40s__22C.CR2 F_M31_1466_ISO800_1-250s__26C.CR2 B_M31_1423_ISO1600___22C.CR2

Edited by Vic&Al
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Hi Vic & Al

Strangely enough I used Siril to stack some Canon EOS images this morning. The error you're seeing is the default Siril Bayer pattern is probably set to RGGB and the Bayer pattern for your Canon is GRBG. This should not matter as Siril will override the default and use the pattern it finds in the Raw file header.

A couple of questions:

Are you using the built in OSC script to process?

If so, have you got the folder names set up correctly, i.e lights, darks, flats, biases and set the home directory to where these folders are located?

The files you uploaded look fine, could you also upload the stacked result?



Edited by Taman
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On 27/11/2022 at 11:38, Taman said:

Hi Vic & Al

Strangely enough I used Siril to stack some Canon EOS images this morning. The error you're seeing is the default Siril Bayer pattern is probably set to RGGB and the Bayer pattern for your Canon is GRBG. This should not matter as Siril will override the default and use the pattern it finds in the Raw file header.

A couple of questions:

Are you using the built in OSC script to process?

If so, have you got the folder names set up correctly, i.e lights, darks, flats, biases and set the home directory to where these folders are located?

The files you uploaded look fine, could you also upload the stacked result?



Thanks for the reply

(Tony) I went back and reviewed all the files and found a couple of rogue flats with different iso/exposures,

also started from scratch, built a new directory and run the OSC script to process

and I think we may have cracked it, some annoying dust bunnies have survived though

I have uploaded the resulting TIFF & it looks a lot better I think there is some galaxy in there, thank you so much (Just need to learn how to process now :) )


(Olly) I will give it a try without the darks and see how that turns out, so much advice out there and some contradictory

I guess every setup is different. I decided on 80 darks and in the end had a run of 160 lights of which 121 were usable this ratio does however seem excessive to me.

Maybe next time I'll just using a few darks at the start of the session and a few from the end when the sensor is up to temp?

Or would you advise against the darks altogether?





M31 1st Stretch.tif

M31 again.jpf

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11 hours ago, Vic&Al said:

Thanks for the reply

(Tony) I went back and reviewed all the files and found a couple of rogue flats with different iso/exposures,

also started from scratch, built a new directory and run the OSC script to process

and I think we may have cracked it, some annoying dust bunnies have survived though

I have uploaded the resulting TIFF & it looks a lot better I think there is some galaxy in there, thank you so much (Just need to learn how to process now :) )

Hi Alex, glad you managed to sort it! 

I've given your image a quick colour calibration and stretch and yes, there is a galaxy in there! 🙂

I've always used darks with my Canos Eos, taking 12 to 15 of them after a session, with 25 flats and bias frames. I found a couple of degrees is not critical and if the temperature is similar on different nights they can be reused.

Try with and without and see what works best for you.

Cs, Tony.


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