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first ever image - (poor quality) Jupiter :)


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been spending some time with the skywatcher 127 AZ Goto i bought second hand over 3 years ago and left it gathering dust for most of that time..........finally managed to grab semi usable vid from the cheap bresser mikrocular camera i had mounted. no idea what i was doing in PIPP/AutoStaakert/Registax but got this at the end 😄 absolutely awful in comparison to the other images on here but made me smile like a big bald 47 year old kid 😂


edit: not sure yet how to insert images!


Edited by thekwango
attempting to insert image
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2 hours ago, tim r said:

Looks almost identical to my 1st go last week . I’m a bald 54 with same response.


it really is such a buzz when you bring that first sighting of Jupiter into focus and see it's banding etc. it's been quite a few years since something made me grin so much!

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A fine first effort! I posted my own first efforts a few weeks ago and they're also of a similar quality, we all have to start somewhere. I like to think that with a bit more practice one can start to get a little closer to the stunning efforts we see on here.

13 hours ago, thekwango said:

no idea what i was doing in PIPP/AutoStaakert/Registax

I found this heavy going initially too but quickly got to grips with the basic steps at least (though I'm sure there's still a lot more that I could improve). I found the videos on http://planetaryimagingtutorials.com/ very useful - see the stacking and processing sections to AutoStakkert and Registax.

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