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Review: Askar 130PHQ Flatfield Astrograph


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2 hours ago, tooth_dr said:

Good looking scope and lovely photo!

What do you reckon is the likelihood that all the scopes will have perfectly round stars like the one you tested?

Good question. First off, I'm using an APS-C sensor, and the telescope should in theory be able to handle much larger. Alas, I can only test with what I have... But to answer your question, the few images I've seen from other Askar 130PHQ telescopes all seem to be good to the edges of the frame. Also, given the high quality of everything else, I kinda expect the optical quality to be consistently good across all these telescopes. Plus they're not cheap! So, I think the likelihood of all the scopes giving round stars to be high, although I can't say for sure. I have a really good Askar FRA400, but apparently there are some lemons out there. I expect Askar's quality control to be tighter on the 130PHQ though.

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