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Sh2- 226, Sh2-227 and Sh2-228, three rarely imaged objects in Auriga


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The combination of full moon and rain has got me into processing data from earlier this year, now equipped with the latest starless and noiseless procedures, which makes quite a difference.

There are very few images of these objects from the Sharpless catalogue on Astrobin. In the upper left corner the open star cluster NGC1857 can be seen, and near the bottom is the small but very bright Ha patch known as PK169-001 (aka IC2020 which is misplaced by the plate solve). It was once misidentified as a planetary nebula, see http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=PK%20169-00%201%20. There are also some very large patches of Ha emission in the image that may not have any designations.

Caught with my dual RASA8 rig with ASI2600MC cameras and NBZ (Ha+Oiii) dual band filters. 193 x 5 min, so 16. 5 hours, and the night was moonless so I could get quite deep at f/2.

I have tried to keep the Ha signal under control since I have noticed that I can easily make it go over the top!

Cheers, Göran

20220130 Sh2-226-228 RASA1+2 NyPS8smallSign.jpg

Screenshot 2022-11-08 at 22.10.48.png

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