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A Couple of Pegasus Doubles

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7.00pm Thursday, 8SE with Focal Reducer. Jupiter, Moon (2 days past 1st quarter), and Saturn in a line between SE and S. Aligned on the Moon.

I started with Solar System stuff - see under Planetary.  Then....

Sigma 2854 Peg – near matched 7th mag pair, 1.6 arcsec separation. A few stars in the neighbourhood, target was the brightest in an equilateral triangle. x191 – very close, matched, side by side. x213 – still close, clearer split.  1.5, 1.6 arcsec is just about at the cusp of what could be described as an easy split.

Sigma 2797 Peg – triple, visual double, 7th and 8th mags, 3.5 arcsec. Few faint stars in the region, with a clear triangle as a guide to the target. Not sure at x91, x107, but by x116 the fainter sec came in and out view at 7 o’clock.  Trickier than the above on account of the difference in magnitudes.  

A great session, lasting 1.5 hours, very successful.



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30 minutes ago, wookie1965 said:

Nice one Doug I took the dob out but didn't have much luck because of the moon. 

Thanks, Paul.  I'm really pleased with the 8" SCT plus Focal Reducer.  In spite of the opinions that it's not a good combo, it works well for me!

Anyway, when the Moon wanes, you should be able to split some really tight doubles with your 10" Dob.


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