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Last night's double transit of Europa and Ganymede


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We were lucky to have clearish skies last night to see the double transit. Heavy haze but seeing moderately good. Really striking difference in the size of the two shadows! Sketch below at roughly 45 min intervals and dodgy photo from the end - single frame on DSLR. So happy that Jupiter is now getting higher in the sky for Northern hemisphere observers - last few years have been rubbish!




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1 hour ago, skyhog said:

I managed to get out and watch this. The biggest issue was the wind. Big fork mounted sct users will know what I mean... 🙄

Actually was still as a mill pond down in the South West! We had a haze/light cloud all night but I often find that's accompanied by good seeing for planets


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I had been observing this event as well. Although clearoutside tells me 100% cloudy last night, the sky was actually quite clear. Only heavy dew accumulated after 11pm.

I accidentally found Ganymede sneaking out a little bit behind Jupiter just a little bit after 9pm. Checking skysafari, I found that Europa was coming out soon as well. With the full excitement, I had been waiting for it about one hour and looking two moons coming out one by one. I was wondering what the two black dots was yesterday. But just after looking at your sketch, I suddenly realised that they were the shadows of the two moons. Thanks!

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3 hours ago, timwetherell said:

Actually was still as a mill pond down in the South West! We had a haze/light cloud all night but I often find that's accompanied by good seeing for planets


Yes, I think if I had waited the wind would have eased off, the forecast was definitely saying that. 

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