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Coming back to already presented work and reprocessing them with PI and all X plugins has become fashionable, so I'm not going to stay behind. :)

Earlier I based on a rule I developed within the Affinity Photo: the Ha and OIII colours came from separating the R as Ha and G+B as OIII (0.85*G+B). Now, thanks to encouragement from @Catanonia and @Radec I started using the PI which I have for several months. The Bill Blanshan's PixelMath HOO formula works incomparably better, so I think this is a milestone in my post processing of nebulas.

Rosette Nebula (Caldwell 49, Caldwell 50/NGC 2244) - 2023.02.13
Altair 102/715 EDT, Optolong L-eXtreme, Planostar x1.0 FF, modified EOS 6D.
14 x 600s  (2h 20m) + 25 x dark, 25 x bias, 30 x flat.



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And again, the same M81 and M82 captured on 4/11/22 using my ATM mount and 10" F/5 Bresser Messier Newtionian OTA.

Newton 10" F/5, IDAS LPS-P2, MPCC III, modified EOS 6D.
108 x 60s ISO1250 + 3 x 50 calibration frames.
Stacked in the Affinity Photo, processed in the PI and final cosmetics again in the AP.






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  • 2 weeks later...


Comming back to session from 17/10/22: a third version of the Eastern Veil Nebula. 

Newton 10" F/5, Optolong L-eXtreme, MPCC III, modified EOS 6D.
45 x 300s ISO1250 + 3 x 20 calibration frames.

It's stacked in the Affinity Photo, partly processed in the PixInsight (PCC, all X plugins separately on the nebula leyer and the stars leyer, modified HOO PixelMath by Bill Blanshan), stretching and some cosmetics in the Affinity Photo.




2nd rev. of the Eastern Veil HOO with the PI & Bill Blanshan.





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