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Another backyard imaging in the big city.


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Hi all, 

I'm happy to share my recent success that is a photography of the Eastern Veil performed last night on my ATM equatorial fork mount described wider there:


So, it's 45x300s, ISO1250 and 3x20 of calibration frames. Subs are taken with modded EOS 6D attached to 10" Newtonian OTA (reduced to 9") with Baader MPCC III and Optolong L-eXtreme. An Evoguide 50ED, FF, 850nm IR Pass filter and ASI224MC worked as guider. Seeing was around 3.5/5 last night. Please bear in mind the 1270mm focal length and around 1 arcsec/pixel scale, it is very demanding setup. Both stacking and basic post processing made with the Affinity Photo. 

There is still small problem with back focus that I have to correct next time. 




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Thanks :) 

Two other revisions of the same scene: stacked respectively in Siril (OSC_preprocessing script) and in DSS, stretching in Affinity Photo. I don't know, why the Sirlil made it like in SHO, but it looks also interesting. Previously I used the HLVG plugin, so it removed too much green from details. Now, the last is better. 



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It was a hard battle and I'm not sure why. I approached the data four times. Thankfully I had a backup on external hard drive, because after third attepmpt I removed entire folder. I'm sure that next time will be better.

Data collected on 01/09/2022.
79 x 150s, ISO1250, 3x20 callibration frames, crop of the full frame.
Newton 9"/1270mm, IDAS LPS-D2, Baader MPCC III, EOS 6D mod.


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Last night I had a plan to take some photos of the Pacmna Nebula. Unfortunatelly, I met some problem around Zenith, so I changed the plan and aimed my OTA on the Pleiades. I had an idea to not use any filter. I have read that a dew shield may protect the OTA from a side light, so I wanted to test it with a brand new Astro Essentials one.

Newton 9" F/5.5, no filter, Baader MPCC Mk III, EOS 6D mod.
150 x 60s + 3 x 20 calibration frames, ISO1250.

It was very hard to remove the Bortle 6-7 sky cast. I'm pretty proud of the effect, even if it's not perfect.


And here is, how the single RAW looks like.


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Another revision of the M31 taken previously. Only a brightness and contrast are corrected. The core of M31 seems a little bit too bright, but the general look in my opinion is better, than previously.



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This picture is a simple test, how my IDAS LPS-P2 works. I had to buy used one, that's why I had no choice and decided to do it just for test, even with 74% of the full Moon.

I performed 250 x 60s light frames, but a half of them were unusable because of the Moon's light, so it's a little bit poor.

Newton 9" F/5.5, IDAS LPS-P2, MPCC III, EOS 6D mod.
108 x 60s ISO1250 + 3 x 50 calibration frames.


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  • 4 weeks later...


Several weeks ago I realised that the aluminium fork in my EQ fork mount is not stiff enough. I decided to order the welding it and finally it works much better. Last night I confirmed it.

The Pacman Nebula (NGC 281)
Newton 9" F/5.5, Optolong L-eXtreme, MPCC III, EOS 6D mod.
20 x 300s only because of clouds, ISO1250 + 3 x 20 calibration frames.


Pacman 02 4.jpg

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Picture replacement, improved stars profiles.
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Not first time I would say that the ASTAP performs the stacking better than the Affiniy Photo. After a post processing in the Affinity Photo we can see improved details and greater dynamics in the nebula.

Who else can see a goblin's head in hat with explicit right eye and ear, mouth and eagle nose with a wart? Also, his torso, right arm, and part of his left arm.

There is also some kind of necklace, it looks like a small man with his leg up.

I'd venture to say that the goblin gives us the middle finger...


Pareidolia is the tendency for perception to impose a meaningful interpretation on a nebulous stimulus, usually visual, so that one sees an object, pattern, or meaning where there is none. (Wikipedia)



Pacman 03 ASTAP 2 crop 2.jpg

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This time I follwed the PHD2 developers guidance: if the mount has a significant backlash in the Dec axis, then the PA should show error, but no bigger than 10'. It was 9.5'. 

2022.12.07: The Fish Head Nebula, but I would rather say a Veiltail... :) 
Newton 9" F/5.5, Optolong L-eXtreme, MPCC III, EOS 6D mod.
35 of 42 x 300s, ISO1600, 3x25 calibrating frames.



The stars are finally sharp and quite round. And this is the best PHD2 graph I ever obtained. To be honest, it wasn't like that all the time on that night, but it doesn't change my satisfaction. 🙂





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One week later I aimed my mount at the same DSO, but significant change happened in the meantime. Instead of the 17kg 10" 1270mm Newtonian OTA a medium size refractor hung on top of the fork. It is an Altair Wave 102/715 EDT triplet APO that weighs 1/3 of the Newtonian OTA weight, so I expected much better stars on the final picture, even if the guiding didn't change too much. Its focal length is about twice shorter, so I can reach DSOs usually unreachable for the 1270mm reflector.

I decided to perform a series of 10 min exposures to increase a number of fotons. The composition is similar to the previous one just for comparison.


Altair 102/715 EDT, Optolong L-eXtreme, Planostar x1.0 FF, EOS 6D mod.
21 x 600s, ISO1600 + 3x25 calibration frames.



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  • Vroobel changed the title to Another backyard imaging in the big city.


The Soul is added to the set, to the Heart. :)

Altair 102/715 EDT, Optolong L-eXtreme, Planostar x1.0 FF, EOS 6D mod.
96 (80%) z 121 x 240s  (6h 24m) + 3x25 calibration frames.




Here is its a little bit darker version, not so burnt.




Another change, the background is dimmer now to better match the Heart Nebula taken two days earlier, which is very close.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...


It had to be a test of the EAF settings towards work with the EKOS and its linear algorithm, but accidentally I obtained the Andromeda...
The only clear night in Liverpool since 15th December, unfortunately accompanied by 83% of the Moon.

40 of 46 x 180s, ISO1600, 3 x 30 calibration frames
Altair 102/715 EDT, IDAS LPS-P2, Planostar x1.0 FF, modded EOS 6D.
And of course, my Opus Magnum mount.




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  • 2 weeks later...


This time something completely new: picture of the California nebula taken using my recently modified TAIR-3-PhS 300mm F/4.5, the vintage Russian lens for Zenit SLR.


I know that the background of the picture is not perfect, but even with modified Canon 6D, ISO 1600 and 300s exposure, subs appear quite dark. Now I think that the lens would be very good under dark sky with no filter. I'm tired now after a 4 days battle with the post processing, but I will consider reprocessing.

Look please at the corners: stars are pinpoint, so it has an obscenely flat field.  😯


57 of 61 x 300s, ISO1600, 30 flat frames and 20 of darks and biases.
TAIR-3-PhS 300mm F/4.5, ZWO EAF, Optolong L-eXtreme, modded EOS 6D.
And of course, my Opus Magnum mount.




And Rev. B:





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  • 4 weeks later...


This time I'd like to present the Rosette Nebula captured at night 13/02/23 in two versions: first one is in sand or the yellow brick colour, which I prefer, second one is in the HOO-style.

Altair 102/715 EDT, Optolong L-eXtreme, Planostar x1.0 FF, modified EOS 6D.
14 x 600s  (2h 20m) + 25 x dark, 25 x bias, 30 x flat.




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  • 2 weeks later...


As usually, another DSOs in two approaches: simply stretched and splited between R and G+B then streched separately and blended, both with a typical work. It was a first light for my new 3" 0.8x reducer that in theory turns my F/7 triplet APO into F/5.6 astrograph. The 3" do the job with a full frame Canon 6D.

The Flaming Star and Tadpole Nebulae captured on 24/02/2023.
Altair 102/715 EDT, Optolong L-eXtreme, Planostar M92 x0.8 Reducer, modified EOS 6D.
29 x 600s  (4h 50m) + 25 x dark, bias and flat calibration frames, Bortle 8ish.

All post processing done in Affinity Photo (yet).




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