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What to get ?

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Hi all.

I'm in a dilemma, after saving and selling stuff I've finally got enough to get a EQ platform for my dob as i like to take images with my phone and i thought it would help.

Then looking at other stuff to buy i can get an Celestron 6se for a little bit extra , i don't really need the go-to just wanted something easy to set up and track.

I could buy a DSLR camera to go with the 6se , would i get good images of galaxys and nebula with this setup.

I can't afford a good EQ mount or scope so please don't try and spend my money 🤑.

Any other cheap alternatives welcome.


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The C6 comes with an alt az goto mount by default. I just bought a used OTA and put it on my azgti as a basic setup (EQ mode autoguided) or a heavier mount for more serious imaging. It'll be a bit slow at the standard F10 imaging DSO though not impossible but your tracking needs to be even better for this to be possible due to longer than typical exposures. Using the Celestron F6.3 reducer will be better and you'll still have around 1000mm focal length, you still need an EQ mount to track though to take images. I've found at 1000mm it's still a bit too long FL other than for small targets and the guiding still needs to be good.

A DSLR (IR filter removed modded) will work for wider targets, paired with a Samyang 135mm it's a venerable and fast setup, you will however again need an EQ mount for it or a star tracker like the Star Adventurer or newer SA GTI.

Take a look at the AZ-GTI owners thread by @AstroNebulee to see what can be achieved and also the Samyang 135mm thread by @Uranium235, you don't have to spend a fortune to get good results from a mount or lens not designed for the task of astrophotography.

Your dobsonian will have much more light grasp however compared to these.

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EQ platforms are designed just to follow a target visually and although they're said to be ok for planetary at short exposures, I don't think they're accurate enough for DSOs. I haven't tried mine with photography yet.

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