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Jupiter with GRS - Derotated 22-09-22


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Thought I would give this WinJUPOS software a go, after hearing so much about it. 
Thanks to a few excellent YouTube videos on how to use it I found it was very easy to use. 

The plan I had for the 22nd was to do a full capture of the GRS rotation. It started of with terrible seeing but slowly got to - what I would call - okay seeing. Sadly by 22:45 the cloud came in and blanketed so ended my night as the GRS was just reaching mid point. 
It dawned on me, just the other day, that I would have gathered enough data on that run for a good attempt at derotation. 

CPC 1100 was used at stock FL (as seeing was too poor for a barlow)

9x caputres between 20:27 up to 21:37UT 
100s catpure at 3ms Exp with 255 Gain, giving a frame rate of 303fps

I typically stack my best 40% of frames, which on average gave me stacks between 10,000 and 15,000 frames. I did also do stacks at 10 and 20% but found processing much easier with the higher stack count. 

This is the final result after derotating in WinJUPOS. There is some funkyness around the edges of the planet disk but that could be down to the lack of barlow and thus lack of detail/resolution for the software to work with, or I didn't get enough hours of data. For my first time trying though I am thrilled by the results. 



This is an orginal frame from the stacks, processed in Registax, the results are quite noticable I think. 


I am very much looking forward to trying this again, hopefully with 3-5 hours of data and may push to 120-150 second captures. 

Edited by Simon128D
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4 minutes ago, Simon128D said:

There is some funkyness around the edges of the planet disk

Excellent result Simon, some really good detail in there. WinJupos can give you some 'funky edges' as you put it as there is less data there to de-rotate, i.e new stuff rolled into view, or old stuff rotated out of view as Jupiter rotates. I usually apply limb darkening (LD) at 0.80 when compiling the image, which I think helps mask these imperfections.

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5 minutes ago, Simon128D said:

Ah thank you, I did not know about "limb darkening" I shall try that next time. 

It's set here in the De-rotation of images tool. The default is 1.00, but I recall that Damian Peach advises to dial that back a bit. Like most things, it's worth experimenting with different settings....


Good luck.

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