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Amazing NGC 104 (47 Tuc)

Epick Crom

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Hi fellow astronomers! I finally had a chance to do some observing last night on equinox night after a terrible run of cloudy nights. Not the best sky conditions from my backyard, seeing was 3/5 and transparency 3/5. Bortle 7 to 6 estimate. Nevertheless I'm not one to ever pass on a clear night so I brought out my 10 inch dobsonian at sundown in preparation for the night ahead. These are the following objects I observed:

 M4 (Scorpius): Very nice view, it's central bar of stars showing nicely.

 Albireo (Cygnus): Beautiful colour contrast! Among the night skies best doubles. 

 M7 (Scorpius): This is a stunning open cluster, bright blue stars arranged in a box shape. Photos can't do it justice!

M6 (Scorpius): Another stunning open cluster. This cluster lived up to its nickname "Butterfly Cluster" as it did look like a butterfly using 70x. 

NGC 6187 and 6188 (Ara): This is an open cluster (6187) within a nebula ((6188). The cluster is fairly bright with an eye-catching double star at its centre. The nebula is large and faint. I think I just about glimpsed NGC 6188 using averted vision.

Alpha Centauri (Centaurus): The closest double star to us looked beautiful. Two bright light yellow spotlights! Very wide gap separating them at 686x. 

NGC 6231 (Scorpius): Very beautiful open cluster. Bright and shaped like a bunch of grapes! I scanned around the vicinity of this cluster at low power and it was a fantastic sight to behold. This whole area in the "Table of Scorpius" is very rich.

M27 (Vulpecula): This is one of my favourite planetary nebulae. Big, bold and bright, I made out it's pinched central region for the first time. 

NGC 104 (Tucana): This was my final DSO observed for the night. What a special sight! Also know as 47 Tucanae, this globular cluster rivals Omega Centauri in absolute splendor! This was the best I've ever seen it so far in my limited time as an amateur astronomer. Incredibly bright core, with countless streams of stars radiating from it. I just kept muttering "wow" at the eyepiece!

 In addition to those and other DSO'S, I also observed comet PANSTARRS, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. Nothing like a fine observing session to recharge the batteries! Wishing you all clear skies.


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9 hours ago, Epick Crom said:

Thanks Kostas. I hope my reports help you guys "visualise" these southern objects that are below your horizons, same way yours help me visualise objects not seen from here. Living vicariously through each other😉🙂👍 

Absolutely. Have you been back to your dark site you went last year?

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27 minutes ago, Kon said:

Absolutely. Have you been back to your dark site you went last year?

Hi Kostas,  yes I was back at my dark site about a month ago ( I drive semi trailers up to Mt Magnet occasionally for work). It's 600km north east of Perth in the Australian outback. I had my 10x50mm binoculars this time, let's just say I had my mind blown!🤯

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