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1st solar image


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I had a bit of spare time during lunch break, so I popped on my 80ED with the Canon 70D on the EQ5 (RA motor tracking) I managed to fit the GPC/barlow that came with with my binoviewers into the Canon T-ring adapter so I figured this was giving somewhere between 1.8-2x with the distance from the sensor.

Using APT for taking the photos at ISO 100 and 1/1000 exposure.

1st.. Focus is a pain in the butt. I could get close(ish) with liveview but then needed to switch to taking a photo then opening it and zoom in to make a judgement call on the focus level. I'm sure there's probably a better way but this took some time to do...

I got there near enough to at least start taking some images and took 45 in total before some clouds swarmed in. The seeing was pretty good it seemed at least.

Stacked and processed in Registax (50% best frames). The alignment seemed a bit wacky but lowered it to 1000 points. Some light wavelet processing which brought out the detail a bit clearer and then finished up in GIMP to colour the image which I think is better for the contrast (imho).

It's far from perfect and I'm not sure why I'm getting what looks like a super-imposed offset image on it after doing the stacking (but it was fairly light) so I left it at that.  Some nice granulation showing through at least!



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Great start there.

I just use Canon's EOS Utility for focus monitoring and capture. 

The 'ghost' image is merely a misaligned frame or two .

Try running the frames through PIPP first to centre and crop the frames and then use Autostakkert instead of Reg for stacking (reserving Reg for the Wavelets function on the resulting stack)

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12 hours ago, Steve Ward said:

Great start there.

I just use Canon's EOS Utility for focus monitoring and capture. 

The 'ghost' image is merely a misaligned frame or two .

Try running the frames through PIPP first to centre and crop the frames and then use Autostakkert instead of Reg for stacking (reserving Reg for the Wavelets function on the resulting stack)

Many thanks Steve!  I hadn't considered Autostakkert so I'll try that and hadn't heard of PIPP before.  Once I've got a bit of free time I'll re-process again using these to get used to them. 

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Great start with lots of fine detail. :thumbsup:

I second the use of Autostakkert [AS!3] and ImPPG.  :thumbsup:

After some practice at both you can be seeing a completed image in under a couple of minutes from capture.





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