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Next upgrade


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So now I've got myself a nice triplet, I think my next upgrade will be a bigger mount to allow for a far future purchase of a RASA.

It's a garden pier that's left setup all year. 

I'm thinking an eq8 or cem70 but is that over kill? Would an am5 be an appropriate upgrade for a permanent pier or is that more of a mobile mount. 


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I'm all for buying stuff and if it's going to be permanent I don't see the point of an AM5 so I'd be looking at EQ8 or CEM120 or MESU or Trident.... But I have to ask why a RASA? Focal length will be same-ish as what you have now although I get it will collect data faster so why not a longer refractor? If you've not worked it out yet I'm sharing my upgrades with you 🙂 🙂


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16 minutes ago, scotty38 said:

I'm all for buying stuff and if it's going to be permanent I don't see the point of an AM5 so I'd be looking at EQ8 or CEM120 or MESU or Trident.... But I have to ask why a RASA? Focal length will be same-ish as what you have now although I get it will collect data faster so why not a longer refractor? If you've not worked it out yet I'm sharing my upgrades with you 🙂 🙂


Well, the plan would be to put the heq5 back to mobile duty with the SM90 at some point or just to use on a tripod in the garden to capture 2 targets at night. I want to go bigger so I can eventually have a RASA and a RC of whatever size I can afford. 

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