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Close Up of The Small Magellanic Cloud


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Hi All,

Sharing with you what I hope is a first in a series of a collection of images. This is a close up image of one of the regions in the Small Magellanic Cloud that I planned on imaging after noticing this (and a few other objects) in my wide field image of the SMC which I exposed almost two months ago. 
This frame contains NGC346, NGC371 and NGC395 which I'm hoping is the first in a set of close up images of objects detected in wide field "survey like" imaging projects... in this case the Small Magellanic Cloud.
There are a few more regions of interest in the SMC which I'd like to explore a bit more closely before repeating this idea on the "Large Magellanic Cloud".

This image is a bi-color image which was exposed through a Celestron C8 at f6.3, 1280mm (theoretical) focal length, with a QHY268M camera and filtered with a Baader 7nm H-Alpha and OIII filters. Tracked with a hypertuned CGEM mount.
Total integration time for this image was 4 hours and 10 minutes.

The reason why I want to look deeper into the Magellanic Clouds and what fascinates me about the two satellite galaxies to our Milky Way is that there are a lot of strange shaped nebulae located with in them... if not looking like a chaotic spindly mess, they look like vortices... to me the shapes of the nebulae look quite alien when comparing to the more traditionally imaged and more known nebulae.

PS: I said "theoretical" 1280mm focal length, because when plate solving the frame, it was solved to be 1307mm.

Clear Skies,

NGC346 HaO3 19Sep2022 4h10m FrmS.jpg

Edited by MarsG76
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