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ASIAIR - what do the different 'Bin' options do?


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3 hours ago, beamer3.6m said:

So what do the different 'Bin' options do when capturing frames?

To the rest of the forum, correct me if I'm wrong:

Bin 1, or "binning 1x1" isn't really binning at all. Each pixel is transfered from the sensor as is. Picture looks like the native resolution, or size.

Bin 2, or "binning 2x2" means that a grid of 2x2 (four) pixels is averaged and transfered as one. Picture suddenly gets only half as high and half as wide, and only 1/4 in size.

Bin 3, or "binning 3x3" means that he grid is 3x3, or nine pixels and so on.........

Binning is mostly used on guide cameras, to get sharper images with more distinct stars that is easier to lock on. Under certain circumstances it may be used in capture, but I don't have any experience with that.

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