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QHYCCD support


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Hi all,

I am writing this to warn people about dealing direct with QHY. Around christmas time I made the mistake of buying a QHY9 camera direct from QHY and have had a nightmare dealing with them ever since.

Basically the QHY9 camera i bought constantly fogs up which was a known issues and i was assured by QHY it was no longer an issue, and QHY have been less than helpful in trying to resolve the problem.

Basically QHY expects customers to pull apart the camera and try and fix poor manufacuturing problems yourselves. This is crazy as it should have been done right in the first place.

it's like buying a new car that doesn't work and being told by the garage to fix it yourself.

So in summary i cannot recommend QHY camera's, or if you do want one buy through a dealer and not direct to save yourself the hassle.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi All,

Just a quick update on QHY. I previously posted about issues with a QHY9 camera and problems getting them resolved dealing direct with QHY in china. I think a lot of this can be contributed to the language barrier and Qhy not being geared up to deal directly with customers.

I'm happy to report that I managed to resolve the issue with QHY who in the end sent me a new QHY9 camera.

The new replacement camera is a totally different beast, with no fogging issues and just feels completely different and works perfectly, so I thought it only fair to now report the positive side of the story and that I now have a camera that works like a dream.


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  • 12 years later...

So my QHY168C stopped cooling 1 month out of warranty. I contacted QHYCCD but the camera started cooling again intermittently. Should have sent it back anyway I know. but it's a hassle and there's nowhere local to send it.

Now stopped working altogether anyway - 2 years old. QHYCCD say I have to send it back to China for repair! Expensive and no idea what the outcome will be or final cost.

No local support and having to send it back to China is not good. Something needs to change for QHYCCD. This will be my last purchase from them unless something changes.

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Update on my QHY168C is - no progress! Sent to China in September 2022 and now January 2023 still no progress. Purchased from MA and they seem to be no help either, just keep directing me to QHYCCD.

If you can't get any form of support for a product it doesn't make sense to buy it. All astro cameras have the chance of failing as we all know, and they're too expensive just to write off. Not impressed and won't be buying (or recommending to buy) from either again. This is by far the worst level of support for any astro product I've bought over the many decades I've been buying kit.

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