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I was looking back through my notes, ticking off the Messier objects I'd seen and was reminded of the first time I saw the Whirlpool Galaxy. Sloppy note taking meant I hadn't recorded the date or time but I think it must have been in May. I came in buzzing, keen to share my excitement with my partner who was tucked up snug in bed. I was telling her I'd seen the Whirlpool Galaxy and had seen hints of shape and she sounded interested, being taken with the name. So I showed her a photo of the galaxy and she was suitably impressed, and then I showed her my observation. And five minutes later after she'd stopped laughing she told me she thought she'd wet herself :)

The observation was in suburban skies (Borlte five I think) with a Tak 100DC and Tak 10LE. See pic below.




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Lol, tell her that light travelling at 186,000 miles per second takes 30,000 years to cross from one side of your little sketch to the other and that the faint smudge of light that entered your eye had took 23 million years to get there.

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11 hours ago, Franklin said:

Lol, tell her that light travelling at 186,000 miles per second takes 30,000 years to cross from one side of your little sketch to the other and that the faint smudge of light that entered your eye had took 23 million years to get there.

Numbers make her cry! Now if I told her that the feint smudge had feelings, then she'd be all ears :)


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10 hours ago, RobertI said:

Well, hey, that’s more reaction than I’ve ever got from my wife! You sure that’s not the headphones nebula? ;) 

Now you mention it, it does look like a pair of headphones. I guess Messier was just not into hi-fi!


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