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Quick process May 8th

neil phillips

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Good to do some lunar. After going all heatwave.  A quick process of what i got last night. Should have a whole mosaic to process. But will take time. 

Image downsized from full. for image quality. 

8" Stella Lyra cassegrain F12 IR685 ZWO 178MM EQ5 PRO 


May 8th.tif 45.png b.png

8th May mono 2.png 45.png

8th May R.png S 2.png MONO.png G.png b.png


8TH MAY L.png

Edited by neil phillips
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38 minutes ago, Kon said:

Excellent as always Neil. I am really impressed how you manage to pull out all the little cratelets.

Thanks Kon seeing over the UK hasnt been the best the last couple of days. So fairly pleased how much i pulled out Considering that. 


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