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FS60CB and smartphone; first real success

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I'm really pleased with these. They were taken through an FS60CB with a Tak LE 7.5mm and an Orion phone adapter with a 4 year old low spec Motorola phone. I'm amazed at the sharpness and detail with such a small scope and old phone. You can see a lovely X and V. 

Three single shots, each exposed for different parts of the moon. No post processing other than cropping.

Thanks to @Stu and others for tips and techniques!



Edited by MalcolmM
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2 hours ago, Roy Challen said:

These are great, I also have an entry level Motorola phone and they're better than my efforts.

Thanks @Roy Challen, it's taken me a fair bit of experimentation to get this far and lots of help and tips from other members here.


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