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Imaging through a forest


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The AZ-EQ6 guides fairly well, considering it was pointing my scope towards a tree 🤣:


I was really scratching my head on what went wrong and why the mount was suddenly acting up, especially in declination which really had not moved much for the entire night (1arcmin PA). Checked all kinds of cable snags and whether the tripod had sunk in to the icy surface it was planted on and only then saw that the scope was pointing to a forest in the way. I had for some reason not thought of the target moving to the other side of the sky during the night, which of course it did and this location is against a forest on the west side.

Not sure what i learned from this, other than PHD2 does not have forest-compensating features.


  • Haha 3
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Don't worry we all do daft things. Last night I could not believe how good my guiding was...

Today I set everything up again and realised I had been using the calibration for an OAG at 1600mm FL, not the 400mm FL guidescope. Moral of this story - if it looks to good to be true, it probably is!

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