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Changing Prom


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I was able to spend an hour on Saturday morning observing the sun in Ha with a Lunt 50 and a combination of 16mm Nagler and 7.5mm Tak LE. I concentrated on what I thought was an interesting shaped prom, it looked like a very thin arc with an ejection of material at one end (excuse the terminology, I am not up to speed yet on it). Over the next 40 minutes the arc gradually disappeared and the prom itself took a more definitive shape changing into a cactus and then eventually what looked like a figure giving a blessing. I have included my sketch with the various observations and times round the outside. Gotta say it was very exciting to see the shape changing in real time - I only hope it was a genuine prom development and not my inexperienced eyes playing tricks on me!



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Nice observations @MalcolmM. I’ve seen a couple of very active proms recently, moving in real time so I’m sure what you saw was real. It’s amazing to think what you are seeing; jets of plasma moving at very high speeds (likely 100,000 mph or more) on a star 93 miilion miles away 🤯🤯!

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@Stu absolutely! I was showing my partner's neices and they were wowed at seeing the proms, and then wowed even more when I told them the proms would swallow the earth whole! The context and scale of what we observe is one of the fascinating aspects of this hobby!


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