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NGC 2903 in two hours, and nine minutes (separately, on different rigs)


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Last night was wonderfully clear, but I was busy, so no time for a proper EEVA session, nevertheless a chance to keep the rig running and spend a few hours on one target.  I did find just ten minutes during that time to capture some short frames on the EEVA scope too, so here's a comparison:

  • 24 x 5m (2 hours total) Esprit 120ED, ASI294MC OSC cooled to -10ºC, IDAS P2 filter, post-processed in PI
  • 18 x 30s (9 m total) 9.25 Hyperstar, Ultrastar uncooled mono, captures and processed in real time with Jocular

NGC 2903 is a magnificent barred spiral galaxy in Leo, about 30 Mly distant.  Also caught here on camera in both shots (albeit faintly, about the spiral galaxy's width above the centre of it) is UGC 5806, a diffuse galaxy, magnitude 15.6, and apparently 24 Mly away.

Another example of why EEVA is a very worthwhile activity, with, I think, a very favourable comparison between the shots in terms of detail.  In fact, the bar seems clearer on the mono image... perhaps because it shines brightly in the infra-red.

I've finally sorted out my dual mount to point both scopes in the same direction, so that's an improvement!






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