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NGC 2903. Barely WIP


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Thought I would have a look at some old data to see if it's worth pursuing.

6 hours Luminance in 600 sec subs with the ODK12, bin 1 (Yes, I know stupid resolution). Capture in Maxim / ASA Sequence, post in AstroArt 8. Sigma applied to the calibration frames too.

Sigma Add stacking with Darks, Flats, and Dark Flats.

Adaptive Subtract Gradient Reduction after cropping off the alignment edges.

Star Erosion.

DDP with high-pass filtering, and a careful examination of the histogram.

Richardson-Lucy Deconvolution.

Light touch of Unsharp Mask.

Saved as PNG.


C&C welcome, and what do people think? Worth pursuing with RGB (Bin 2 lol) and H-alpha?


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There is some nice detail in the core and the fainter arms are coming through well, I certainly think it is worth capturing RGB.

Here is my effort from 2020, 8.7 hrs with the Esprit 150/ASI 178 rig.


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