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200P vs Skymax 127 - 21/02/22 Observing report

OK Apricot

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Observing report 21/02/22



Somewhat turbulent, periods of stability, good transparency, estimate bortle 4-5. A faint milky way visible, at least 7 stars within the main outline of orion, NELM around 5.



Skywatcher 200P Dobsonian

Skywatcher Skymax 127 AZ5

SL 30,15mm, XCel-LX 9mm, supplied wide angle 25mm eyepieces

Large mug galaxy hot chocolate


No real plan, just visiting objects by memory with a little help from Skysafari. A few snaps with my phone to try out the eyepiece mount I’d bought a week or so back, then on to dark adaptation and phone away.



M1: - Skywatcher 200P, SL 30mm EP

I remembered this target was very close to Zeta Tauri, and with the 200P with the SL 30mm EP I was pretty sure I’d have enough FOV to hunt it down. I placed Zeta Tauri in the viewfinder and the hunt was on. Within about 30 seconds I had found it. For the first time ever, I’d put my own eyes behind the light of the Crab Nebula. I could vaguely make out its general shape having seen images before, a general darkening toward the central region, but a strong presence in the FOV nonetheless. Chuffed to bits to tick this one off as a “seen” - will definitely be spending more time on this one.


M31: - Skywatcher 200P, SL 30mm EP

I, as I’m sure do most amateur stargazers, have locating this one down to a fine art, and had Andromeda filling the FOV in seconds. A large fuzzy disc with a very obvious brightening toward the centre - a very clear distinction between the bright bulging core and the fainter outer regions. Thoroughly relaxing and enjoyable to view our closest galactic neighbour. I’m wondering whether I also saw M110? There was an ever so faint fuzz in close proximity, but I’d visualised this to be a lot closer than what I was seeing, if this is the case? Here is a quick picture I took.



M42: - Skywatcher 200P, SL 15mm EP, Skymax 127, XCel-LX 9mm EP

Getting my money’s worth before Orion disappears, M42 was once again on the list. Who gets bored of viewing this one? I’ll wait… The Skymax and 9mm showed a very contrasting dusty nebulous FOV with bundles of structure visible, a subtle improvement in the image due to the more favourable seeing. It was the first time out and about with the 200P, so I was getting butterflies at the thought of what the 200P would be capable of. The SL 30mm loaded, it absolutely blew the 127 away, a hugely bright and contrasting image with extensive reach of the “wings”! I’m just gobsmacked at what these affordable scopes are capable of, absolutely astonished at what can be seen, really seen, with your own goggles. 



M45: - Skywatcher 200P, SL 30mm, Skymax 127 25mm

Without a doubt the 200P had the edge here, showing a scattering of pin sharp blue stars across the whole FOV. A very immersive experience in with the 30mm eyepiece. I tried the 127 on this object as well, as I didn’t bother last time, and it struggled to fit the main stars in the FOV, but was equally satisfying, especially the small adjustments to scan left and right - felt really connected to everything.



M81/M82: - Skywatcher 200P SL 30mm

A target I’d only seen once or twice, I wasn’t sure what I would see with the 200P, but felt fairly confident I’d be in for a show as they are some of the brighter DSOs out there. Initially a bit tricky to find, but I just glimpsed a smudge while scanning with the finder and went to the eyepiece. A lovely pair of distinct grey clouds, M81 appearing more face-on with a bright glowing core, extending outwards fading sharply, however in M82 I could for certain make out the dust lane that seems to split the galaxy in two. Very happy to have made out this feature - The 200P is just so capable!



Uranus: - Skymax 127, SL 15mm, XCel-LX 9mm

Another target I’d not seen before, not through a telescope anyway. This was a very tricky find, taking a good few minutes through the finder, back and forth between it and skysafari. I managed to locate 3 faint stars that present in a “straight line”, slewed slightly from there and found, probably more by luck due to the small FOV of the Mak, a dull blue/green disc, a definite disc. No real detail, no moons, just a coloured disc, but a nicely sharp disc at that. Very happy to have put a tick in the “seen” box. 


Sigma Orionis: Skywatcher 200P, SL 15mm, Skymax 127 XCel-LX 9mm

I’d read here on the forum that this is a very pleasing star system to view, and being very easy to locate I had a go at it with both scopes. The 200P seemed to edge the Mak here, probably owing to too much magnification for the conditions, but the 200P showed 3 bright neighbours and a closer, smaller and dimmer companion. I spent some good time at the eyepiece here as the view was crisp, really trying to imagine what this might look like a bit closer up, my mind was wandering. A very interesting sight indeed, and I will be back.


Overall a very pleasing first outing with the 200P, given a proper chance under some half decent skies. I feel like my mind is going at a thousand miles per hour during my viewing sessions, and really must sit and make a more informed viewing plan going forward. Might invest in some sort of journal, maybe make a spreadsheet with notes? For the time being, my forum entries will do.

Sorry for another essay of a post, but again, I appreciate being able to share.




Edited by OK Apricot
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38 minutes ago, OK Apricot said:

I’m wondering whether I also saw M110? There was an ever so faint fuzz in close proximity, but I’d visualised this to be a lot closer than what I was seeing, if this is the case? Here is a quick picture I took.

A very good read, thanks for posting it up. Sounds like you are going to enjoy the 200p 👍

You’ve caught M32 in this image, circled here. It is often hard to work out image scale and distance, the smaller galaxies can be further away from the core than you think. Adding field of view circles to SkySafari helps a lot with understanding what you are looking at. I’ve done this for the 200P and your 30mm, and aligned it so it matches the photo you took. M110 was right on the edge of the field so you could have got it if you slewed a bit in that direction.



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Ah great, thanks for posting. I'd only downloaded skysafari today so not up to speed with it yet but that looks like a very handy feature. Learning so much so fast and loving it. To see images is one thing but to see everything with your own eyes is something else 😁

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