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Quick lunar fix


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Despite a fair amount of cloud around here tonight, I just managed to get a good half an hour at the eyepiece looking at the Moon. I concentrated on the crater Schickard, which was nicely positioned on the terminator tonight. The seeing was only average at best - had to be patient to get nice, steady views - but even so, there was plenty to see and the Televue eyepiece / Barlow combination I recently bought really does deliver the goods. You could even make out the very tiniest tips of sunlight just beginning to illuminate some of the mountains around the dark edge of the crater. Seeing things like that from such a colossal distance reminds you why you enjoy astronomy...it's almost unbelievable.

Needless to say the old grey and fluffy stuff showed up after around 35 minutes and curtailed the fun, but it was well worth getting out there for the time I had. You have to take your opportunities when they present themselves, or you'd never see anything from here!



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Well Ian, you have to make the most of the opportunities when they present themselves. You made the best of the time you got, and seems like you enjoyed it a lot. It keeps you going till the next time.:).


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I saw some of your pictures of the moon. great I was looking to over the last week. The moon is beautiful if you can tame it enough to be able look at it. Clavius is beautiful and that was a great pic. I enjoyed sitting with a moon map and identifying what I was looking at and then going in the read about the 5000m deep craters that I saw. Astronomy is great.

Thanks for the pics.


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