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Horsehead and M78


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This is first light for my new Sharpstar EDPH II after the disater of trying too close to the moon a couple of weeks ago

At this time of year it had to be orion but I wanted something different to M42 and the Horsehead so poking about on Stellarium I found that this pairing fitted nicely. I could get Horsehead, Flame, M78 and enough of Barnards loop to see the curve so thats how I set it up.

I knew from the start I'd only get a very short window before clouds came in ( otherwise I'd have been on the witches head) and it turned out that I got onl 1 hr 45 mins. 

So this was;

Sharpstar 61 EDPH II, ASI 2600mc, L-Pro filter. 35 x 180s

I have darkened it down a shade because for some reason my posts on SGL always look brighter than anywhere else.



Struggled get rid of a gradient in PI without losing faint HA so i tried in APP - kept some HA but at the expense of dark dust. 


It may need another mm or so of backspace but I'm very happy with the scope.

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