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Hopelessly murky yesterday, and all day today - except for six minutes starting at 12.32 pm.  A little gap in the blanket of cloud, I had left the Altair 80 ED-R set up ready to go indoors just in case.

Through cloud I managed six single frames, believe it or not, this is the best!  It shows AR2396, AR2398 close to the E WIth AR2939 and AR2930 further E.

Single frame at 12.38 pm, 1/20 sec at 320 asa, Olympus E-M5 Mk11.  

Nice to see AR2936 for probably the last time, if the forecast is anywhere near being correct.


Edited by paulastro
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Wow! You must have a real fast set-up routine. I could just about get my mount outside and put the counterweight bar and maybe the counterweights on in six minutes! 🤪

Nice grab BTW. I made the mistake of telling my wife that I was going to set up and do some solar imaging today whilst I finished off the decking and that I might leave my 'scope up and do some imaging tonight. Needless to say 'THEY' must have heard me and it's been pretty much 100% cloud cover here today and it's not getting any better any time soon!

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1 hour ago, Stargazer33 said:

Wow! You must have a real fast set-up routine. I could just about get my mount outside and put the counterweight bar and maybe the counterweights on in six minutes! 🤪

Nice grab BTW. I made the mistake of telling my wife that I was going to set up and do some solar imaging today whilst I finished off the decking and that I might leave my 'scope up and do some imaging tonight. Needless to say 'THEY' must have heard me and it's been pretty much 100% cloud cover here today and it's not getting any better any time soon!

Thank you Stargazer.

The Altair 80 ED-R was set up in the lounge, with solar filter, camera and cable release on my Scopetech Mount Zero on  a Vixen tripod.  All I had to do was carry it out through the kitchen. Took me about two minutes to carry it out.

Pic below, but without solar filter and camera.


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