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Ian Thrax

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Hi, hope this is the right forum for this question/advice, if not perhaps a moderator could move it?

I am thinking of purchasing the above mount so I can use EQmod with it as a remote setup, I have a celestron AVX at present but the problem with it is, you have to be there at power on to slew it to home position (quick align) then I can connect to NINA slew it and plate solve.  My question is will the above mount allow me to power off after an imaging session with the scope in a safe park position to clear the roof, then power up remotely (Dragonfly switch), connect via EQ, unpark the scope so the mount remembers where it was parked, and then be slewed to the home position or a target?  I am happy to plate solve and sync in NINA for final alignment then run a sequence to park scope close roof and power off scope.

Any help greatly appreciated and if anyone has found a solution for the AVX method even better, I have tried CPWI software but it keeps losing connection with the scope and can't be recovered so not reliable!


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I park my HEQ5 in a custom position in the observatory to ensure clearance from the roof.  It's done using EQMODs custom park position.  You start in the default home position, power on the mount and establish a connection with EQMOD.  Un park the mount in EQMOD and then using the NSWE buttons and the rate set to 4, move the mount to a position you want.  In my case this is with the weight bar and scope horizontal.  Then with EQMOD expanded (click the spanner button) in the Park/Unpark box click the P+ button to launch a new window with the definable park options. In the top  dropdown box select the first undefined placement and overtype it with New Park or whatever you want to call it. Do the same for the Unpark position and then calling it unpark new (or whateve) click the SET button in both boxes and now close the window.

To test, in the park / unpark section select park to home in the park mode and unpark in the unpark mode.  To the left click the park to home button should move the scope back to the default home position.  Unpark the mount

If you now change the option in the Park mode and unpark mode dropdown lists to your new entry, the description in the button under park status will show name you have defined.  Click the park button and the mount should now park in the position you defined.  You can now use that as the normal parking position, so open up the observatory, power up the mount, connect the software, unpark the scope and slew to a target, image, then click the park button and the mount will park itself in the custom position once again. 

Now I don't use NINA so can't comment on its use (I believe it may have a direct connection option rather than use EQMOD ?) - I use Cartes du Ciel with EQMOD and so custom parking works for me


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Just for more options I use GS Server and here you can define "park" positions. You can have the normal default or as above, define a "Home" position to clear the Obs roof or whatever. When GS Server fires up you can get it to park to the "normal" position if you wish to start from there.

This is with an AZ-EQ6 too. Oh and I have a "Calibration" position defined so I can slew easily to a point near the equator for PHD2 calibration.

Edited by scotty38
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Thanks Malc-c and scotty38, the fact that it can be done is the key for me👍  I will look into direct connect with NINA but the reply from malc-c will let me get started then I can look at things like GS Server (new to me) once I get used to the mount.  Assistance really appreciated as I have 0 experience of EQ mod and skywatcher mounts and didn't want to invest in the mount to find out it didn't work the way I hoped, thanks guys.

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EQMOD is showing its age a little now, but is still supported by an active user group and on the whole works out of the box, and is simple to use.  GSServer was mainly developed to work with the EQ8, but as it used the Synta protocol naturally works with all Skywatcher goto EQ mounts.  It's GUI is more polished and like EQMOD is supported by an active user group.  Both do the job of taking commands form other applications and sending them to the mount well.

There is plenty of websites, books and videos to help you understand the basics and if you have any specific questions just post them on the forum.

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