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Starsense Explorer and light pollution

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Hi folks,

I'm seriously considering a Starsense Explorer, either the DX5 or DX6. Does anyone have any experience of these under fairly light polluted skies? If so, how well does the plate solving work in those conditions?

According to Clear Outside, I'm Bortle 5, although it often seems worse, probably because of the 2 unfortunately positioned streetlights very close to my observing spot.



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I have the 6” and love it. I am Bortle 7. I find the starsense app works well but despite many attempts during the day to get it spot on I find that it is always a touch out when used in anger at night. I find myself noting exactly where an obvious object is, eg jupiter or one of the brighter stars and what tweaking needs doing to get it spot on. Knowing that enables me to tweak it accordingly when it says it is lined up on something less obvious.  No issues with the app crashing and on a clear night it always connects well then realigns quickly once scope is moved. In the day I line up to a hospital flag pole that is 2 miles away. I fine tune this with increasing eps but then find it is still a tad off when used at night.  If anybody out there has any suggestions then please contribute. 

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 Thanks for the reply. That's good news. I don't mind some minor adjustments so long as it gets me close 😀

Does the mirror for the phone mount point straight up? e.g. if the scope is level, would the mirror being pointing 90 degrees upwards? It's hard to tell from the photos. Reason I'm asking is quite often if I'm looking at an object, then 90 degree "upwards" from that would quite possible be pointing at my house or some trees, so that would impact the plate solving. If it points in the same direction as the scope then that wouldn't be an issue.

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4 minutes ago, Psionmark said:

 Thanks for the reply. That's good news. I don't mind some minor adjustments so long as it gets me close 😀

Does the mirror for the phone mount point straight up? e.g. if the scope is level, would the mirror being pointing 90 degrees upwards? It's hard to tell from the photos. Reason I'm asking is quite often if I'm looking at an object, then 90 degree "upwards" from that would quite possible be pointing at my house or some trees, so that would impact the plate solving. If it points in the same direction as the scope then that wouldn't be an issue.

When the phone is in the cradle, the mirror sits at around 45 degree angle to the camera. Obviously the whole,assembly moves as you move the scope on the axis but remains parallel to the tube. Can take more pics if it helps. 


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Thanks both 😀 That helps - looks like it should be okay. I should be able to move the whole thing around a bit to avoid stuff getting in the way - one of the main appeals of this setup.

You both pleased with your Starsense? I've made some expensive mistakes so far lol, so am hoping this will be more suited to me.

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