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FC76DCu vs TS 80/480 triplet vs 90 f6 triplet

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I have to choose a compact grab & go refractor that represents the best compromise between size, quality and cost. Purpose:
- second telescope to view fields, Moon and Planets, for the holidays
- main telescope for shooting and viewing the Sun in H alpha with Daystar Chromosphere.
You know that my heart leads me to Japan, but at the same time reason leads me to the greater diameter of the triplet 90 mm. He would be a drande sweeper of star fields in tirretta and would offer me great visions of everything. but above all I would take advantage of the greater diameter and resolving power in the shooting of the Sun.,
To reopen and for something more compact, even the 80/480 triplet Ts has those back focus characteristics that interest me for my purposes.
Now .... staying on these choices (only on these choices), have you ever compared an FC76 with these two telescopes (directly and not guesses)? while what do you think in general?
Discounted the acclimatization speeches ... I am aware of it and I believe that they are still manageable formats from this point of view.
On a planetary level, how can you expect between FC76 and 90? thank you

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