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Shielded and "Full Cutoff" outdoor lights recommendations, UK


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I've bought a house with has glaring "cool white" LED floodlights which come on too readily with trigger-happy passive infrared sensors. Many times on a windy evening, I've asked myself if there it was a lightning flash, then just realised the floodlight had come on, lighting up a tree out the front.

They do have some use, so I'm looking to replace them with something better - a light fitting / luminaire ideally with full cutoff design, or shielded, and with a warm white light. Should be easy to find, right? Well I've looked a bit, and haven't found much. I'm based in the UK, so I guess something that's available in UK or possibly EU.

Has anyone got any recommendations or suggestions?


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Well done on doing (or trying to do) the right thing.

Stay away from B&Q etc as theirs are the worst. Google searches will eventually bring them up. Look for 2700K, shielded, outdoor lights.

Note for environmental reasons, outside lights should not be left on all night. We have lost 70% of our insects and biodiversity, largely through loss of nocturnal habitat.

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