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Putting M51 to bed at last............for a nap


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4 hours ago, gorann said:

I do the same as Olly when I stretch in PS. In fact almost every stretch I do has one or more pinned points on the curve so I can get the curve shape I need and seletively stretch the part of the histogram that needs stretching. No idea how one could live without them, but then I have never stretched an image in PI.

As far as I can tell, one can't "pin" in PI--but when uoui click on an image 3 lines show up on the curves tool, one for each channel (RGB) indicating where on the curve that particular point lies.  When you unlick the image the lines dissapear.  But you know where they are, more or less.  One can pin the line with points, which will not allow that point to move, but one must use more tha n o ne point to secur a point.  Otherwise, the line on teh otherside of the point will swing in teh opposite direction that you opull teh curve on this side of the point.  Using a second point near teh first orevents this from happening.  The problem is, if you cluck on a dust lane, for example and see three lines (one red, one, green and one blue) close together on the curve, you can isolate that spot--but you are really isolating all pixels with the same pixel magnitudes--Maybe I need tp red up om the PI curves tool.

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