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Kstars/ Ekos first light 95% success!


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first time using Kstars/Ekos on a RPi4 with Ubuntu, it all went way to ez for being first time user, coming from BEOS, SGP, NINA. APT...

i need help on why the ZWO533 MC works on all tabs but not on the Auto-focuser one! if it cant acquire an image then it wont get a  HFR reading to get a good focus...

Any one else see this before?


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16 minutes ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

Hmm, settings look okay as far as my knowledge goes.

Does the EAF focusser move if you use the INDI panel to move it ?

And the crashes do not look good but beyond me I am afraid.


yep it moves , the problem is the main camera zwo533 does not send a image for it to be analyzed for the HFR  to be figured out. message is " no image to analyze"  no stars found.

same if i change to the guider camera in the autofocuser tab.. notta , but they work great in their own tabs. 

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I don’t know about the crash, but re the lack of stars: do you know if you are close to focus? On the screen shot i can’t see any stars. (Viewing this on my mobile phone screen)

Set the camera to loop exposures while you let the focuser step through its step range. At some point you will start to see stars. That should get you in the proverbial ball park.

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yea, i pre-focused , the did a image run , by skipping the autofocus routine, there is just a big black screen. the camera is not sending a image for the algorythm to work.

but yea focus is and was bang on  , why waist the night away.  lol

the 533 works in all other tabs , why not focus!!!!!


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thats strange.Unles the EAF is moving the focus when you go to that tab?|?!!???  I have never experienced that behaviour myself tho. Maybe disable the EAF(pull usb out) assuming the current focus position is good enough that you can see stars in the capture module.

And then take some images with the same exposure length in the focus module.If the camera driver works in one module then usually you should have no problem in any of the others.

Your using the same exposures length right/?


On the rare occasions i hav had something weird go on with ekos I have also tried to replicate it on another device.. i.e try it from my laptop or another rasbery pi.

I have two pis one with stellarmare and one with astroberry etc.

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You may need to turn on debugging and capture the full logs for both camera and focuser. 

On your screen shot the message says "image received" which means an image was acquired - at least when you did your screen shot

And tangentially, why is the focuser reporting a temperature of 33C in Canada in winter!

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The only other thing I can think to check is on the INDI Control Panel. On the tab for the 533 camera, then the Options sub-tab (?), is the EAF set as the device beside Focuser? In the same place on the guide cam tab mine has Focus Simulator.

I know all the equipment's different but it's something like this:


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