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Cheshire Collimating Eyepiece

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I have a Skywatcher 8" Dob (200P) and when I bought it, I also got an Astro Essentials Cheshire Collimating Eyepiece (https://www.firstlightoptics.com/other-collimation-tools/astro-essentials-cheshire-collimating-eyepiece.html). I have not had to use it to collimate my Dob yet since it was pretty spot on from the factory and star tests show nice concentric circles. But with the bad weather we have had I thought to at least get in grips with collimation or learn how things look down the focuser (although I was not planning to make any changes as yet). I noticed that the particular Cheshire has a lot of play in my focuser (EPs are fine in the focuser), even when I tighten both screws, therefore depending on the position it shows my telescope is not collimated at all or it is. I think I may have to change the Cheshire for when I do actually need to collimate (I usually move by Dob 5-10 meters from the sitting room to the garden and I think it keeps collimation very well).  I saw this one in FLO (https://www.firstlightoptics.com/other-collimation-tools/stellalyra-premium-cheshire-collimating-eyepiece.html). Or are there other Cheshire that you recommend or the Astro Essentials particular design is not very suitable?

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I have  the FLO one and it's pretty good.

With the Astro Essentials one, I don't understand why it has that lip on the body:


Is that as far as it goes in, or can you insert it further into the focuser? With the FLO one, I have it pretty much all the  way in, which really helps when aligning the secondary. That is with a Bresser 8" dob.

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1 minute ago, Pixies said:

Is that as far as it goes in, or can you insert it further into the focuser? With the FLO one, I have it pretty much all the  way in, which really helps when aligning the secondary. That is with a Bresser 8" dob

That's exactly the issue I am having; it stops at that lip and I think it causes the play, unless I am missing something.


2 minutes ago, Pixies said:

I have  the FLO one and it's pretty good

Is that the Stellalyra in my second link I included? 

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32 minutes ago, Spile said:

I have the Celestron Cheshire eyepiece and sight tube combination tool and it doesn’t have any issues in terms of being restricted in the focus tube.

I see that's similar to the Astro Essentials; in the 1.25" extension tube in the 200P only the bottom part fits, right?, my issue is the play in the 1.25" focuser.

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37 minutes ago, Spile said:

As you can see the Celestron is free to move up down the 1.25" extension tube so you can insert it fully in and there is no play I can discern

Mine looks like that. I will look to get a new one since it seems to be a design fault.



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