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Antlia Pro Ultra 3nm Ha Filter

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So, as the title suggests I'm looking at buying a Ha filter for imaging & after any opinions on Antlia's Pro Ultra 3nm Ha Filter. ( https://www.365astronomy.com/optical-accessories-1/filters/dslr-clip-filters/antlia-pro-ultra-narrowband-3nm-oiii-filter-1.25  ) At nearly £300 I'm wanting to make sure its worth it.
I do know of one going second hand from a very nice SGL member 😀  who has offered me first refusal if he decides to sell soon. ( He knows who he is so I'm hoping the smiley emoji secures a good price 😂).

This is something I've been looking into for a while & I was originally going to go for Baaders 3.5nm offering but after reading the long thread/ review on here & also Cuiv the Lazy Geeks (Of YouTube fame) review of them I decided not to go for those. 

Ideally I'm wanting a bandpass of around 3nm, Chroma & Astrodon are unfortunately well out of my price range, Antlia therefore look to fit the bill, fairly premium, the bandpass I'm looking for & good reviews from what I've seen online. I'd just like to hear some opinions from people who have used them on here. How do you find them overall?, do they create the usual halos regularly seen with some of the lower quality filters? (this one is a bit of a deal breaker as I find halos the hardest artifacts to deal with in post-processing) and how well do they handle fast scopes/ lens' ? I'll mainly be using this filter on widefield targets (nebula) so I'll be imaging with my Samyang 135mm f2 ED camera lens, this can obviously be stopped down & I usually shoot @ around f2.8. All pros & cons will be gratefully received.

Thanks in advance & Merry Xmas etc. to you all


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  • nephilim changed the title to Antlia Pro Ultra 3nm Ha Filter
22 hours ago, Stardust said:

I'm  currently working on an image with this filter and very much liking what's  coming out.

@Stardust Thanks for replying.

I've heard good things about it but only from on line reviews. Could I ask how fast your imaging scope or camera lens is I tend to find faults become more apparent the faster the lens/ scope. As an example my Samyang 135mm lens tends to be better at f2.8  than it is at f2. Also, how is it with halos. I currently use the L-eXtreme dual NB filter with my ASI 533MC-Pro (OSC) & halos are a bit of an issue although when I separate the channels in PI the culprits seem to be Green & Blue with only minimal halo's in the Red (Ha) channel.


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Dave and i both have the same setups and we both just got the 3nm, 

ive found that f2.8 works fine with the Antlia 3nm, i tried going down to f2.4 but then had a slight amount of off band vignetting, so then went the other way and tried f4 but that was same as 2.8 just slower. So 2.8 seems the sweet spot.

we also both have the 533MC + Altair tri band filters, weve found the tri band will work fine down to f2 but the stars are much better at 2.4 and perfect by 2.8, its negligible difference between 2.4 and 2.8 regarding stars.

regarding halos make sure you but the filter right up against the optical window of the 533, they include a t-1.25” adapter ring in the box which allows for this. This prevents halos on bright stars however ive found any and all of the dual narrowband filters in combination with the samyang and 533 can get small ring halos on very red stars, its quite random and will usually be on a dimmer star so not too noticable except i though i discovered a planetary nebula  once 😜 this also happened on an L extreme and L enhance, ive not worked out the science of it. It doesnt do it with those filters when used on my scopes and it doesnt happen when using the mono cam and normal narrowband filters with the lens, only the combination of both.

let me know if you have any other questions 



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