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M45 ASI533MC Samyang 135


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Finally had some clear sky from 9pm last night, managed a short run on M45 The Pleiades until it reached the Meridian then moved onto Orion so this is only 55 mins of data, hoping to get another 4 hours or so to get a lot deeper into the background dust, if we ever get another clear night this year LOL. 37 x 90 secs with my ZWO ASI553mc @ Gain 100 + Idas LP2 filter on the Samyang 135mm lens @f2.8.

Guided, captured, stacked, stretched and DBE in MaximDL, final processing in Photoshop.



M45spacenpisesmall copy.jpg

Edited by Magnum
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Very nice Lee - I like that a whole lot - and for only a tad under an hour you've revealed a lot of the background dust. Amazing!

46 minutes ago, Magnum said:

Samyang 135mm lens @f2.8

In case you are interested I use my Samyang 135 at ~f2.6 but I use a 49mm step down ring on the front of the lens which results in no diffraction spikes around the stars. (My lens has an actual focal length of 129mm so 129/49 gives 2.63). The sdr also gives better shaped stars toward the corners - more of an issue with my ASI183 than with your ASI533 I'm sure.


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36 minutes ago, Adreneline said:

Very nice Lee - I like that a whole lot - and for only a tad under an hour you've revealed a lot of the background dust. Amazing!

In case you are interested I use my Samyang 135 at ~f2.6 but I use a 49mm step down ring on the front of the lens which results in no diffraction spikes around the stars. (My lens has an actual focal length of 129mm so 129/49 gives 2.63). The sdr also gives better shaped stars toward the corners - more of an issue with my ASI183 than with your ASI533 I'm sure.


Thanks Adrian, though I actually like the 18 point spike effect, was one of the reasons I went for this lens, I do stop down my other lenses with rings as they have the ugly fatter 5 point spikes.

I normally use it at f2.4 and that gives perfect star shapes into the corner with my Atik 383 22mm sensor, think I must have a really good copy of the lens. Only using f2.8 at the moment so they match up with last years data. will go back to 2.4 for new targets.


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